Saturday, December 20, 2008

WWW Standards log entry

Informal: usability

5 most important ‘rules’ for writing online
1. keep it plain and simple
2. use graphics sparingly and add descriptions for users who use text readers
3. design your site for screen resolution 1024 x 768 to accommodate for users with older computers
4. use correct spelling and grammar
5. don't overload the site with bells and whistles

Information from
Dennis G. Jerz, Top 5 Web Conventions (Writing and Design)
5 Tips for Writing Website Content - That Gets Results!

Validation of my index page
This is a link to my basic webpage

outcome of validation
146 errors
1 warnings

Most of the errors are display errors, such as not using correct html sintax


Peter Fletcher said...

You really want Melanie Griffith for Christmas? Seriously? Have you seen her lately? Ah well, each to their own ;-)

Peter Fletcher said...

And I'd add to the blogging tips: Read lots, comment lots and link lots. Read, comment, link. The cycle of the blogger. All the best.